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DESC's mission is to protect Dubai digitally by securing and protecting its data.

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  • This website provides comprehensive information about the Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) of the United Arab Emirates, including but not limited to texts, documents, graphics and others. Although the website consists of links to information published on external websites, DESC does not guarantee the accuracy of the published information, as well as its warranties and conditions, since it is the responsibility of the concerned websites. Moreover, all information available on DESC’s website is published as received from the concerned sources.
  • The Published Information may be amended or deleted without notice.
  • The electronic versions of DESC documents published on this website are for information purposes only. The definitive version of any DESC document is the original printed version held by the DESC. If the document has been signed by an authorized person, the definitive version is the original printed and signed version held by the DESC. In the case of any difference between documents, the version so held by the DESC shall take precedence over any other version.
  • Information contained in this website may have been published in both English and in Arabic versions. Where there are any differences between the two language versions of the same information, the definitive version shall be the language version in which the information was originally issued.
  • DESC shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from the Published Information or from use of this website.
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